Publish : Friday 5 November 2019 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 1 คน
On 5 November 2019 at Leelawadee Meeting Room, 1st Floor, RMUTL Administrative Building, Lanna Center for Cultural Studies, led by Assistant Professor Chaipathomporn Thanaphatpuangwan Director of the Center for Cultural Studies With faculty, staff, representatives from 4 faculties and various departments Join the meeting to monitor the availability of the Krathong Assembly equipment The readiness of the operation of each committee and plan to rehearse the march in accordance with the form of the procession set forth To participate in the large Krathong parade of Rajamangala University of Technology 2019.
Translated by: Phongsriri Phuangsen
EIC Student/ PRD Trainee